Latitude: | 44° 38.27' N |
Longitude: | 063° 35.61' W |
Altitude: | 67 meters |
Station uptime: | 9366117 seconds |
Server uptime: | 9366120 seconds |
This website summarises weather data logged by Vaisala WXT520 Weather Transmitter using the polished and highly customisable Weewx software (version 4.10.2). Weewx downloads a data record from the weather station every 5 minutes and stores it in an archive database. It also creates all the graphs and webpages which are uploaded to the website every 5 minutes.
The weather station is located on the roof of Sir James Dunn building, Department of Physics & Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (44.63787N, 63.59342W, 67 m.a.s.l.).
This website uses Bootstrap skin to deal with most of the layout and presentation. The gauges and the history tables are generated by Python scripts which hook into Weewx.